Blasphemous movies
Blasphemous movies

White is a staunch atheist, who has seen too much of the world to believe that there is anything out there that can save him. Black had saved White and makes every effort to convince him that all he needs is an ounce of faith and everything will be alright. The two men are in an apartment, discussing White’s suicide attempt on a subway station. The story: Based on a play by Cormac McCarthy about White ( Tommy Lee Jones) and Black ( Samuel Jackson). The Sunset Limited (2011, Tommy Lee Jones) is The Father, Who Art in Heaven, also conjured up by men in black robes? Don’t dwell too much on it, thinking leads to atheism sometimes.

blasphemous movies

If the Great Wizard of Oz is just a man behind the curtain, hiding behind smokes and mirrors. It’s a very dangerous seed to plant into a child’s mind (or a very good push towards agnosticism, depending on your point of view as a parent) because it will lead them to question the highest of all authorities. Dorothy realizes that she had everything she needed from the start. We follow cute little Dorothy (and Toto) on their quest to find the Great Wizard of Oz only to find in the end that the great wizard is nothing but a construct. The story: Wait, what? But it’s about a little girl, away from home going on an unexpected adventure! We know that, but think about it. Ticket to Hell quote: As a response to the rabbi about proving that God does not exist, a priest says, "I saw an article which said they’ll soon be able to, apparently."


Still, we think the movie lacks reverence only for the institutions and not Mr. What’s crazier still is the depiction of the churches as less than holy, with a rabbi suggesting that the only way to win the case is to prove that God does not exist. Where do these people get the audacity to address The Lord Himself as though he was just a mere commoner? Who in their right might would sue a supreme deity? The prosecuting lawyer, Gerry Ryan played by Bille Brown, goes out on a limb to say that had this lawsuit happened in any other time in history, Myers would be dead on the spot. There’s a scene with a man on the steps outside the courthouse yelling out "Blasphemer! Blasphemer! Blasphemer!" He tries to make an insurance claim but they refuse to cover it, saying that what happened was an "Act of God." Steve then decides to, you guessed correctly, go after the Holy Wallet. The story: The title says it all! Billy Connolly plays Steve Myers, a man whose boat gets struck by lightning. And soon, your Honor, with banners flying and with drums beating we’ll be marching backward, BACKWARD, through the glorious ages of that Sixteenth Century when bigots burned the man who dared bring enlightenment and intelligence to the human mind!" Ticket to Hell quote: "anaticism and ignorance is forever busy, and needs feeding.

blasphemous movies

Because to be descendend from apes? PREPOSTEROUS! Man was created from mud! It’s a good book, but it is not the only book."Īdmittedly, creationism isn’t exactly a hot topic here in the Philippines but then again, is it a good thing that we’re not even discussing it? Schools don’t seem to be in the business of promoting evolution because there are people here who will fight tooth and nail to defend the notion that we came from Adam and Eve. It’s filled with passionate lines that will make the conservative gasp like, "The Bible is a book. There are four films adapted from the play but the 1960 version is quite infamous. Yes indeed, Tennessee had an act which declared teaching evolution unlawful in state-funded schools. The case? Scopes taught the theory of evolution to a class he was a substitute teacher for and Inherit the Wind chronicles what went on in court after he was tried for violating the Butler Act. Scopes purposely incriminated himself to be the defendant in what is now known as the Scopes Monkey Trial. All you have to do is anger a few million people. If the coming summer isn’t hot enough for you, legend has it that there’s a place you can go where you can enjoy toasty weather all eternity long.

blasphemous movies

We’re just here, making a list of films made by people who wish to brave the wrath that might soon be upon them for taking thy lord’s name in vain and then some. The (dis)honor belongs to a certain moustached German philosopher, whom the good lord allegedly took by syphilis. ( God is dead, but don’t quote us on that.

Blasphemous movies